This maintenance practice routine will structure your practice time in a way that makes you a better player every day you do it. I’m a big believer that there are 3 types of practice sessions: practice (where you get better for yourself), preparation (where you get better for a performance, rehearsal, etc), and playing (where you work on execution – this is meditative). By following even just parts of my maintenance practice routine, you’ll be a better player. If you can do it daily, you’ll be a monster.
These systems combine things I’ve learned from everyone I’ve taken a saxophone lesson with: Ryan Lupton, Dean Eaves, Valerie Gillespie, Jack Wilkins, Ralph Bowen, Rick Margitza, and Nathan Davis.
Why is it $40? I teach all of the included material over 3-5 hours of lessons ($120-$200 value!!). I charge $40/hour for lessons currently and I thought that a price tag matching the cost of a lesson would be fair, within reach, and motivating. Don’t waste your money! Focus and get better every time you pick up your instrument using this routine.
- Cover
- Forward
- Practice System for Time Practice
- Practice System for “Modules”
- Practice System for Scales
- Practice System for Technical Mastery.
- Re-printable Practice Log Pages
iPad Tip:
If you have the forScore music app, you can add the Re-printable Practice Log pages as many times as you want to a setlist – allowing you infinite pages! Using a stylus, it’s a virtual practice book!
The idea for this book came about because I was busy working and not practicing really started eating away at me. Hopefully, I’ll always be busy, if I so choose to be. I needed, however, a structure to continue improving at the saxophone…not just maintaining what I have, but actively improving.
I needed a method that would allow me to follow my own practice regiments, but in a way that allowed most optimal time management.
I hope this book serves great use to you.
The next few pages are the explanations of the systems I developed and how to use those systems in the book.
I strongly recommend being creative with your practice. Do not use my systems as I’ve designed them. Convert them, tweak them, manipulate them, combine them in ways so they become yours.
I’m a firm believer that improving in improvisation is the result of expanding the ears and what you’re able to execute psychically (like tone, harmony, and melody) and technically (like scales, patterns, and theory). This book consists of material for maintenance time, go beyond it at points, but don’t neglect it. Go through method books if you so choose, but do it in addition to this maintenance. This maintenance will help you get better…not just stay the same.
Push yourself.
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